After a short trip from Takaka, I arrived on the North Island in Wellington with the intention of only staying for a couple of days before heading to Whanganui where I had found a Quaker Settlement that was willing to host me! I didn't take many pictures in Wellington, but it was a great city that reminded me a lot of both Seattle and San Francisco.

I stayed with a great friend who took this shot of me outside the museum.

Soon after a short stay in Wellington I made it to the Quaker Settlement.

This is Peter my host, who was one of the 28 members of the community. He was simply a wonderful host who provided me with plenty of nourishing dialogue about the dynamics of living in community.

I had many great jobs revolving around autumn work, here I was pulling out old corn stalks. But the best job of all, which I don't have a picture of was using a scythe to mow down a field. I'm a convert, I don't think I'll be using a weed-wacker ever again.

There were LOTS of chickens = Lots of eggs

Autumn autumn autumn

I also had lots of great cooking jobs, here I was helping to make an apple desert using this incredible tool. It peels, slices, and cores an apple all in one go!

Heather here was great, we had lots of great conversations and she even lent me a kombucha culture to satisfy my urge!

Oh man I was so glad to be brewing again.

We also did lots of preserving. This is the last of the tomato season crop that we picked from a nearby farm.

There were lots of fantastic communal meals, people were always inviting over for something to eat.

This is the quiet room where we had the option of gathering each morning to sit in silence for half an hour. I nearly always attended.

Whanganui is a city on the river.

I had the amazing opportunity to paddle a two-hulled Waka down the Whanganui River.